Tweet Here, you can find Sharon Dowey's speeches and appearances in the Scottish Parliament (provided by theyworkforyou):
Homelessness (South and East Ayrshire) | Scottish Parliament debates Last year, the number of homelessness applications for July to September increased by 60 on the previous year in East Ayrshire and by 41 in
Homelessness (South and East Ayrshire) | Scottish Parliament debates 6. To ask the Scottish Government what action it is taking to tackle homelessness in South and East Ayrshire. (S6O-02217)
Europe Day 2023 and Alignment with European Union Laws | Scottish Parliament debates The cabinet secretary talks about how Brexit has reduced the opportunities for young people, with the loss of freedom of movement and the Er
Palliative Care (Hospice Funding) | Scottish Parliament debates Although I welcome the pay uplift for national health service staff under the agenda for change in Scotland, hospices are crying out for fun
Space Sector | Scottish Parliament debates I absolutely agree with everything that Paul Sweeney has just said. We need to have a less cluttered environment.
Space Sector | Scottish Parliament debates As has been mentioned in contributions from other members, Scotland’s space sector continues to grow and contributes significantly to our ec
Workers in Scotland (Impact of Rejoining the European Union) | Scottish Parliament debates Earlier this month, Mike Russell, the president of the Scottish National Party and a former constitution secretary, told The Herald newspape
University Hospital Ayr | Scottish Parliament debates Five months ago, I wrote to Humza Yousaf to demand that services at Ayr hospital not be reduced.